History: The Romans were the first to use January 1st as the beginning of the year in 153BC. Prior to that March 25th or the vernal equinox was celebrated as the New Year’s Day. This went against tradition as each “new year” was celebrated around an agricultural event – a harvest or the ripening of corn, the blooming of the orange trees, etc. Blah, blah, blah – anyone who knows me knows that I’m not into history.
Symbolically the New Year signifies the ‘renewal of life’ and with this comes the never ending “resolutions”, the cleaning of the slate or the promise of a better life. However, resolutions have acquired a bad reputation – how could they not, the majority of resolutions made fail. I too, have announced New Year’s Resolutions that went undoubtedly into the bin of forgotten proclamations.
Over the last few years I have been more thoughtful in my resolutions. In 2006, I was going to be more organized (could that even be possible? lol). Well, one needs to start out with a ‘resolution’ that can be attainable! With the approach of 2007, I proclaimed I wanted a larger family and in October our first son was born. For 2008, I announced that I would enjoy life more and do something I loved (CSJEvents). For 2009, I resolved to become debt free. I got a part-time job along with keeping my full-time job and the entrepreneurial endeavors I also had (I know, I’m a bit crazy – read more about me in this Saturday’s issue of ‘Balance’ in The Daily Gleaner). Success is emanate - I have only but 2 outstanding debts which are reasonable and manageable.
A search of the internet on the top New Year’s resolutions left me with:
1. Spend more time with family and friends
2. Fit in fitness
3. Quit smoking
4. Get out of debt
5. Get organized
If none of these resolutions grab your interest or are the same ones you’ve already tried in years past, why not try something new and individual like:
1. Conquer a fear
2. Step outside of your comfort zone – professionally and personally
3. Learn something new and/or practical
for women – learn to change a tire or the headlight in your car
for men – build a shelf, develop or re-visit a hobby
No matter what your New Year’s Resolution is following these 6 easy tips can help ensure this year doesn’t get wasted:
1. Avoid previous resolutions
2. Set a specific goal and time period
3. Determine how you will measure your success & track progress
4. Share your plan with someone else for encouragement, support and challenge
5. Reward yourself
6. Re-evaluate – continue or develop a new plan
My New Year’s Resolution for 2010 – Simplify.
I’ll keep you posted on how that goes – Happy New Year!